SCS - Support Clean Sport - About Us

SCSProactive Grassroots Movement
About Us
SUPPORT CLEAN SPORT is a proactive grassroots movement to build support for athletes at all levels to compete without using performance-enhancing drugs. SCS was inspired by the work of the nonprofit Anti-Doping Research (ADR) in conjunction with the supplement certification provider Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG), both led by world-renowned sports drug-testing pioneer Dr. Don Catlin and his son, industry executive Oliver Catlin. For more than three decades, the Catlins have been at the forefront of the fight for clean sport via drug testing and scientific research.
SCS changes the paradigm giving all people the ability to take part in a grassroots event and e-community based effort for fostering Clean Sport. We envision a world where athletes, coaches, nutrition profe ssionals, and valued sponsors can work together to create a new movement to promote and endorse Clean Sport.
Recent Articles
Steroids on
Even though they are illegal without a prescription and banned in sport, steroids can still be purchased on With schools across the nation developing programs to keep these banned products out of…
Methylhexaneamine information for athletes to consider
The world is awash with more and more news about methylhexaneamine and positive drug tests related to it. We have already written a couple blog posts about the…
Methylhexaneamine, recent positives and the larger issues
Methylhexaneamine recent positive drug tests are back in the news again, this time after 14 Indian athletes tested positive for it. This is not the first time this substance has…
Our Mission
SCS aims to build a community environment where athletes, coaches, doctors, the nutrition industry, drug testing professionals, brand partners and the public can come together to demonstrate, teach and foster a culture of clean sport that enables Real Athletes to win by dedication to proper training, nutrition and hard work.

Our Goals
Stay Clean & Win CleanProvide real solutions for athletes so they can Stay Clean & Win Clean
Grassroots community of world-class expertsDevelop a grassroots community of world-class experts to maintain and build clean athletes
New paradigm for the future of clean sportCreate a New paradigm for the future of clean sport, involve the athletes don’t isolate them
Build trustListen to athletes’ concerns and help them find solutions, build trust
Draw a bright lineDraw a bright line between REAL ATHLETES and those who chose an easier path
Real solutions for athletesProvide real solutions for athletes so they can Stay Clean & Win Clean
Next generation of athletesFocus on the next generation of athletes and give them ways to celebrate being clean
Support of Clean SportBring athletes, companies, and individuals together in Support of Clean Sport
Bright lineDraw a bright line between clean and dirty athletes
Level the playing fieldLevel the playing field through grassroots efforts
Personal achievementDemonstrate that personal achievement and dedication can beat drugs
Victory to be CelebratedAllow Victory to be Celebrated, Not Suspected!
New technology and approachesDevelop resources and generate new technology and approaches to keep sport clean

Our Purpose
“We envision an environment where athletes, coaches, health & nutrition experts, drug testing professionals and valued sponsors can come together to celebrate and enable clean sport. SCS embodies that vision.”

Oliver Catlin Executive Director, SCS
SCS Events Build Community and Celebrate Real Athletes
Grassroots events, Outreach and Social Media help grow our community and provide opportunities to come together to celebrate and embrace Clean Sport. If you are interested in bringing an SCS event to your community – Contact us.
Stay Clean & Win Clean Pages Provide Real Solutions to Real Athletes
Visit our blog pages and social media pages for more information. Our world- class SCS Community of professionals provides the tools and knowledge to Stay Clean! & Win Clean! If you have something to contribute please send it to us at
Anyone can join SCS, our social network for the clean sport community. Register today, come back and post your thoughts. Anyone can participate. Show your support today! Athletes and experienced professionals please contact us to contribute to the Stay Clean and Win Clean pages.
The Clean Sport Formula:
Grassroots Events…Celebrate Clean Sport in your Community. Contact us Today!
Stay Clean & Win Clean pagesKnowledge & Tools from Experienced Professionals.
Social Networking for the Clean Sport Community…Join SCS Today, anyone can participate. Register Today!